- すべての人に理解してもらえるようにその規則を説明する
explain the rule in such a way that everybody can understand it 意味
- "explain the reason for" 意味
- "explain the reason for being late" 意味
- "explain the reasons for the warranty decision made" 意味
- "explain the reduction in the risk of" 意味
- "explain the requirements for" 意味
- "explain the rules and regulations" 意味
- "explain the rules in detail" 意味
- "explain the rules of" 意味
- "explain the rules with one's kid" 意味
- "explain the reduction in the risk of" 意味
- "explain the requirements for" 意味
- "explain the rules and regulations" 意味
- "explain the rules in detail" 意味